Monday, January 24, 2011

Scholarly Expertise - CCK11

I'm a lover of pageantry and processionals. They send shivers up my spine and add another link in a long chain of protecting and passing on what is valued.

Even though I never had the intellect, perseverance or endurance for post graduate work, I believe the progression from bachelor to master to doctorate to lifetime scholarly commitment is worthy of whatever sacrifice it demanded.

In the MOOC world where everyone is expected to create and add to a body of knowledge, I think both more openness and equity can be achieved while acknowledging a debt of gratitude to those who followed an ancient route. At the moment, I think there's tension between everyone having expertise from their experience as human beings and those whose expertise required long years of preparation, examination and being granted rank through a ceremonial process. In a MOOC those taking the course for credit pay fees and have to meet standards of excellence imposed by academic institutions. So what is a dilettante and what is a scholar and what is a traditional wisdom bearer in the tribal sense? Are distinctions irrelevant or do we have a sense of where we would fall in processional order. If one lives and has their being in a Medieval world, everyone knows his rank. Is the same true in the world being created? That's for others to decide. By virtue of my age and my identity, I'm not going to be able to cross into the land of future promise.

Here's a link to Wed's processional at Trinity Wall Street
The short version of the professional starts at 2:33 min to 4:30 min. but if you want the prelude start at 2:09 min

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